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3 Common Furnace Problems and Ways to Troubleshoot Them

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During the winter months, you probably rely on your furnace a lot. Unfortunately, it will not always work correctly. Here are three common problems your furnace might experience and solutions for them.  Dirty Filter  If you notice that your heating bills are unexpectedly high, the culprit may be a dirty air filter. When this part collects too much dust and debris, your furnace actually has to work harder at bringing in warm air.…

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How A Hurricane Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

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Your entire home might be at risk of serious damage if there is a hurricane approaching your area. This even includes your air conditioning system. These are some of the different ways that a hurricane can affect your air conditioning system. Flooding First of all, since your air conditioning system is designed to be installed outdoors, it’s obviously designed to be exposed to rain. However, there is a difference between your unit getting wet during a rainstorm and completely sitting under water because of flooding, which is common during hurricanes.…

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Your AC Unit And Flooding

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The outdoor portion of your air conditioning unit is designed for all types of weather conditions, including heavy rain. However, even the toughest air conditioning system isn’t designed to resist long-term flooding or being submerged. Fortunately, just because your unit was flooded doesn’t mean that you’ll need expensive repairs or a replacement. Here are some things you should know about flooding and your outdoor air conditioning unit, and what to do before and after a storm.…

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Why Knowing Commercial AC Terms Is Important

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Setting up a commercial air conditioning system is a job that carries with it a slew of challenges. As the customer, it’s a good idea to have some familiarity with the terminology used within the industry. If you want a professional to know that you understand what you’re talking about, here are 5 concepts to keep in mind. Tonnage Most people are familiar with the use of British thermal units, usually stated as BTUs, in the industry to express capacity.…

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How To Keep Your Air Conditioning Unit In Great Shape For This Summer

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Whether you are just getting ready to start turning on your air conditioning unit, or you have already started cooling your house down, you will want to take some time to consider how you can effectively keep your central air unit in great shape throughout the summer season. Here are some of those things you will want to do. Give It A Good Cleaning By taking an hour or so a couple of times a year to give your central air conditioning unit a good scrubbing can pay off in the long run.…

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Maintain Your Heat Pump For Maximum Efficiency

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If you really want your utility bills to get smaller, you should consider improving the efficiency of your HVAC system. Even homeowners in mild climates will notice that a large percentage of their utility bills come from the cost of the electricity to run their large HVAC appliances. The heat pump, which houses the compressor, fan, and condenser coils is probably the biggest energy consumer, so making sure that this component is efficient is definitely going to save you money in the end.…

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3 Tips For Heating An Older Home In Winter

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When it comes to heating, a lot has changed since many older homes were built. In the past wood-burning fireplaces and coal furnaces were the way that many homes were heated. Now, central heating and air are standard in most new homes. If you have an older home, you may find that heating it during the winter months can be a challenge. The good news is that there are a few things that you can do to make it more comfortable during the winter months.…

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How To Replace An Electric Ignition On Your Furnace

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Your furnace is one appliance that you don’t want to have break down on you. This is an appliance that requires maintenance and care in order for it to heat your home. Even with care and maintenance though, this appliance (like any other appliance) will still break down over time. If your furnace is not heating your home properly, it could be the electric ignition. See below for instructions on how to repair this part of your furnace.…

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3 Top Considerations For Choosing A Residential Heating System

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If you are planning to install a heating system for your house, don’t just choose a heating system because your friend has a similar one or you saw it in a glossy brochure. Instead, you need to consider the important features and operations of the available systems to make an informed decision. On that note, here are the top three things to consider when choosing a heating system. Your Source of Energy…

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Renovating an Older Home? What to Know When Changing the Heating System

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Purchasing and renovating an older home is a dream come true for those who enjoy DIY home repair projects. However, if the home will require a new heating system, as many older homes often do, it is important to make sure that the work is done correctly. In addition, older home owners may also want to consider switching their home heat type from gas or oil to a cleaner burning electric model.…

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