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3 Common Causes Of Blower Motor Failure In Furnaces

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The average furnace doesn’t fail all at once. Instead, individual components can suffer premature failure well before the rest of the furnace is ready for retirement. For instance, the blower motor that handles airflow throughout the entire furnace can suddenly stop working, leaving your furnace without any way to circulate heat throughout your home. The following highlights three ways your furnace’s blower motor can suddenly give up the ghost, along with some advice on preventing premature blower motor failure.…

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3 Things To Think About When You Are Buying A New Air Conditioning System

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Getting the right air conditioner for your business can be difficult. There are all kinds of choices out there, and you want to make sure that you are making the right choice. There is a lot of information that you can take into consideration so that you can make the right decision for you and your business. So, what are some of those things? Square Footage One of the things that you are going to need to think about is the square footage of your building.…

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Air Conditioning Unit Getting Older? 3 Tips To Make It Last Longer

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New HVAC units are expensive, so if your unit is getting older, there are things you can do to make it last longer. This will also ensure your air conditioning continues running to keep the inside of your home cool during the hot summer months. Below are three tips to get you started. Check the Outside Unit Go outside and look at the unit. If you see any type of debris around the unit then you need to remove it.…

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When Your AC Breaks Down In A Heatwave: Get The Help You Need Right Away

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When the heat is unbearable, your air conditioner is going to be working hard to keep your home cool. If possible, give your system a break periodically so that it can rest. While you can expect your air conditioning to keep you comfortable, the system can work too hard when the temperatures outside are brutal. If your air conditioning stops working in the middle of a heatwave, call for help immediately.…

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3 Questions To Ask When Replacing Your AC System

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Not only is it essential for keeping your home and family cool during the warmer seasons, but air conditioning is also important for conditioning the air. Without a system that works properly, you will not only experience excessively high temperatures in the house, but you may also be living with high levels of humidity, allergies, and even mold growth. Therefore, replacing your system once it is in severe distress is smart.…

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Common Problems With Fire Tube Boiler Systems

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In an industrial setting, the traditional fire tube boiler system is a logical boiler to use. These highly efficient units have the power to generate heat and steam with as little fuel as possible, but occasionally, they do have problems. Take a peek at some of the common problems with fire tube boilers that may require professional repair.  There is a high concentration of solids in the tube.  If there is salt content in the water that fills the boiler, the salt can solidify when it cools, which can be an issue because of the way the fire tube boiler is designed.…

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When Spring Is A Little Too Cold: How To Warm Up To The Idea Of Warmer Weather Coming

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We’re nearly into April, and most of the country is still a little too cold for most people. It is technically Spring since the equinox is here and gone, but the air is still quite chilly. If you wish things would warm faster, but you find yourself not quite warming to the idea of a chilly spring, here is what you can do about it.  Slowly Recalibrate Your Internal Thermostat by Slowly Adjusting the Heat in Your Home…

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What To Do When Your Home's AC Is Shaking

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Most people expect some noise from their air conditioner. Humming or an occasional pop isn’t anything to cause concern. What should cause concern is shaking. If the ducts and vents in your home seem to shake, or worse, if the outdoor unit vibrates and shakes, you likely have a problem that requires immediate repair. The following guide can help you address these concerns. What causes shaking? Vibration is normal for the outdoor unit of your air conditioner.…

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IAQ Considerations For Your Home Office

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Indoor air quality is a major concern for people with home offices. Most people who work from their homes don’t know the major causes of air pollution in their home offices, and this tends to be a major headache to them. Well, you can consult a heating contractor in that case to assist you in improving your IAQ for your home office. In addition to that, here are a few considerations to make.…

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Four Reasons For Poor HVAC Airflow

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Forced air HVAC systems make use of a fan and blower system to move heated or chilled air throughout your home. Damage to or obstructions within the system can reduce airflow and cause all sorts of complications for your HVAC systems, negatively affecting their performance and reducing your home’s comfort levels. Understanding some of the most common reasons for poor airflow can help you determine how to best fix them.…

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