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Identifying Pesky AC Efficiency Issues

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Once summer arrives, your home’s air conditioner will quickly become your best friend. Living through the summer in a hot or humid climate without air conditioning can often be a miserable experience, but comfort isn’t free. While modern air conditioners are highly efficient, running a central air conditioning system for many months can add up to much higher utility bills.  Of course, the best way to keep your bills in check is to do everything you can to maintain your system’s efficiency.…

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Schedule Furnace Diagnostics If Your System Has One Of These Issues

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Furnace maintenance is an essential part of using such a system to heat your house. Knowing why and when to schedule furnace diagnostics is important to stay on top of the system’s issues. You should request furnace services if any of the following five problems have caught your notice. Short Cycling A short cycle is when the system doesn’t blow for as long as you’d expect. It is a sign that something is wrong, but figuring out the specific issue can be tough.…

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Do These Things Before Starting Your AC For The Summer

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Spring is in the air. Right now, temperatures might be pretty mild, but summer is not far away. You want to know that when that first hot day comes, your air conditioner is up for the task. You can do so by taking the time to prepare your AC for the upcoming cooling season. Here are the key tasks to tackle as a part of that process. Remove the Cover…

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What Does A Heating Maintenance Service Look For When Visiting A Home?

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Performing some of the maintenance on your HVAC is always a good idea if you’re a homeowner. However, there are some aspects of your HVAC that you cannot tackle yourself because of the technical knowledge required unless you have experience as an HVAC technician. Fortunately, a heating maintenance technician is just a phone call away. How Heating Maintenance Differs from Heating Repair Services An HVAC maintenance service is different from a repair service.…

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Is Your AC Unit Losing Its Cooling Capacity? Signs Of Low Refrigerant

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A well-maintained air conditioning system should blow cool air throughout the home when you turn it on. So, if yours is not providing a steady supply of cool air, you might have malfunctioning components that need checking. For example, you may have low refrigerant, a common cause of poor AC unit efficiency. If this is the case, you may notice a few telltale signs, such as a hissing unit during operation.…

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Why Shouldn't You Install Your Dryer Vents Yourself?

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All dryers require venting. It’s a common misconception that electric dryers don’t need to vent to the outside, but they still require this critical fixture to release hot and moist air. Venting is even more crucial for gas dryers, which must expel harmful combustion gases instead of allowing them to escape into your living space. At a minimum, an improperly vented dryer will not function correctly or may not function at all.…

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Will Replacing Your Old Air Conditioner Help You Save Money?

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If you take the time to check your household energy consumption rate, you’ll notice that cooling requires a lot of energy. This means that the condition of the AC system will determine if you’ll use less or more power.  If an air conditioning unit is functioning efficiently, you won’t use much energy during the warm months. However, an old or faulty AC unit can increase your expenses significantly. This is why experts recommend air conditioning replacement if the unit is too old.…

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