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What Does A Heating Maintenance Service Look For When Visiting A Home?

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Performing some of the maintenance on your HVAC is always a good idea if you're a homeowner. However, there are some aspects of your HVAC that you cannot tackle yourself because of the technical knowledge required unless you have experience as an HVAC technician. Fortunately, a heating maintenance technician is just a phone call away.

How Heating Maintenance Differs from Heating Repair Services

An HVAC maintenance service is different from a repair service. The purpose of maintaining your heating system is to save money by avoiding repairs and keeping your energy costs down. When your HVAC unit is defective, it will operate much less efficiently.

What the Technician Looks For

When a professional inspects your HVAC system, they will examine critical components to ensure that they're working correctly. The technician will inspect the entire system and lubricate all critical components. They will also test every component to ensure it's functioning properly. In particular, they will look for warning signs of a malfunctioning system.

Looking for Warning Signs of Moisture Concerns

The technician will make sure your system isn't rusting. If they discover rust, they will determine if any parts are damaged. They will also assess whether your entire HVAC system might be damaged beyond repair and will need a full replacement. 

Finding the Source of the Moisture Problem

Even if your heating unit doesn't need to be replaced, the technician must identify the origin of the moisture problem that is causing your unit to corrode. They will look for evidence of excessive moisture or pooling water.

Checking the Electrical Components

The technician will inspect all electrical components to ensure they're functioning properly. For instance, they will inspect all circuit boards and relays for your heating unit, tighten loose connections, and look for loose or damaged wiring. 

Fixing Air Leaks in Your Home

To keep your energy costs low, you will also need to ensure that your furnace is running efficiently and that all your ductwork has been sealed. Once the heating maintenance technician has tested all components of your unit, they will then perform a full functionality test.

Performing a Functionality Test

A functionality test aims to ensure that the HVAC unit is functioning properly by checking the AC coolant levels, testing the compressor, inspecting the system's cycle times, and checking the safety controls. 

If the technician discovers that your heating system is damaged, they will recommend the appropriate repairs and may recommend that you instead have your furnace replaced. 

For more info, contact a local company like Allied Mechanical & Electrical, Inc.
