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How To Prevent Food Spoilage During Hurricane Season

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If you live in an area that is heavily affected by hurricanes, you might be nervous about the upcoming hurricane season. Among other things, you could be concerned about your family’s food spoiling during a hurricane-related power outage. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to help prevent food waste. Eat Down Your Perishables In the days before a hurricane is expected to strike, it’s a good idea for you and your family to eat down the meats and dairy products in your refrigerator so that you don’t have to worry about them spoiling.…

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Forget The Snake – Break Out the Blow Bag for Sticky Drain Clogs!

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Do you have a clogged drain that you cannot free up with a plunger or drain snake? If so, there is one more tool that could be the solution to your clogged drain. Drain clogs that are caused by greasy or gooey substances are not the easiest issue to resolve, especially if you are using a drain snake. Drain snakes use different attachments, commonly a sharp blade, to free the clogs in drains, but when the clogs are made of sticky substances, they are not very effective.…

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Saving Money On Air Conditioning This Summer

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In the summertime, having air conditioning can make a big difference in the comfort you will feel while inside your home. While using air conditioning can cool you down, it can also causes your electricity bill to go up. Here are a few ways you can conserve your air conditioning so you will enjoy the cool temperatures without spending more than you have to for your electricity. Check All Entryways…

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Not Sure You Can Afford To Repair Your Air Conditoner? 4 Reasons Why You Can't Afford Not To

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If your air conditioner has gone on the fritz, and you’re not sure you can afford to fix it, you may be in for more than just a warmer home. Your air conditioner benefits you in ways that you might not expect. Take a look at some of the reasons you should call a repair technician as soon as your air conditioner breaks down. Repels Mosquitoes Mosquitoes can be a real problem during the summer.…

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2 Ways To Maximize The Efficiency Of Your Window Air Conditioner

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If your home lacks a central air conditioning unit, a window air conditioner can become the prime method of keeping interior temperatures comfortable during the hot summer months. Modern window units are built to be fairly energy efficient without compromising cooling quality. But there are ways to make sure your window unit is working to its maximum potential so that you get the best cooling process possible. Don’t hesitate to call an air conditioning repair technician if your window unit seems less efficient than usual despite your best efforts.…

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