About HVAC Contractor Services

Maintain Your Heat Pump For Maximum Efficiency

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If you really want your utility bills to get smaller, you should consider improving the efficiency of your HVAC system. Even homeowners in mild climates will notice that a large percentage of their utility bills come from the cost of the electricity to run their large HVAC appliances. The heat pump, which houses the compressor, fan, and condenser coils is probably the biggest energy consumer, so making sure that this component is efficient is definitely going to save you money in the end.…

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3 Tips For Heating An Older Home In Winter

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When it comes to heating, a lot has changed since many older homes were built. In the past wood-burning fireplaces and coal furnaces were the way that many homes were heated. Now, central heating and air are standard in most new homes. If you have an older home, you may find that heating it during the winter months can be a challenge. The good news is that there are a few things that you can do to make it more comfortable during the winter months.…

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How To Replace An Electric Ignition On Your Furnace

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Your furnace is one appliance that you don’t want to have break down on you. This is an appliance that requires maintenance and care in order for it to heat your home. Even with care and maintenance though, this appliance (like any other appliance) will still break down over time. If your furnace is not heating your home properly, it could be the electric ignition. See below for instructions on how to repair this part of your furnace.…

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